For me, there are few times in my life that I wouldn’t mind missing more — by being in a coma — than the postpartum period.
It hurts, you’re tired, it hurts, your baby sucks on parts of you, you’re tired, it hurts. There’s no leaving it behind, it’s attached to you. The postnatal monkey on your back. Well, here are my 10 tips to make that a tad more comfortable — postpartum comforts, if you will.

First off, hello! I’m Hilary — many people know me as The Pregnancy Nurse 👩⚕️. I have been a nurse since 1997 and I have 20 years of OB nursing experience. I am the survivor of a 4th degree tear with my first baby (the 2nd degree tears with my other two seemed like a picnic).
If you are looking for MORE info on surviving after baby, I am the creator of The Online Prenatal Class for Couples that simplifies birth for you and your partner. Check it out, I even have a free class for you to try first!
I am so passionate about this topic I just did a whole podcast on what to expect postpartum:
I also have a whole after-baby checklist that you can have sent STRAIGHT to your inbox — that way you remember all the key points and can refer to them after your bundle of joy arrives!
1. NO guilt.
I just had a patient the other day say “Should I feel guilty when I leave her in the crib like that?” I did a exorcist head spin and said, “NEVER feel guilty for putting your baby down.” The guilt. Leave it behind. Well — ok, do feel guilty if you’re not feeding your baby while you take a hit of crystal meth. Those people should feel guilty. You should feel like taking a shower, even if your baby cries a bit during it, is AOK. Life will go on, and you are likely to feel better afterwards, and be a good mom.
2. Hemorrhoid pads.
You might know them by the brand name Tucks. These are little pads, soaked in witchhazel which made me want to name my baby Hazel. Oh my goodness, they sure do help out those stitches! You may not know this about me, but I ripped “stem to stern” with my first. I cried getting off my bed, I couldn’t sit, but then if I stood I thought my uterus was going to fall out. My sister in law gave me the good advice to put the tucks in the fridge. Boy oh boy do they feel great when you put them on those stitches! And yes, those stitches. Yipes! {you lay the tucks on your pad, and then just leave them there, throw the whole thing away the next time you change your pad, repeat}.
** While they are KNOWN as Hemorrhoid pads, they work on any swelling, which means if you tore — they will be your friend
I also have a whole video on taking care of your bottom that you might find helpful:
3. Drugs.
I am a fairly big fan of drugs. I’m a huge fan of ibuprofen for the pain, but I never found the better drugs (Tylenol with codeine, Vicodin, Lortab) to be all that much helpful, and they often made me super constipated. Which brings me to stool softeners. Do it, take them. Take them for at LEAST a week. Thank me later. No really, do it.
4. Nipple cream.
If you think you don’t need to buy the tube of nipple cream, you’re wrong. Spend the money, slather it on. The end. {unless you’re not breastfeeding, you’ll need to invest in tight bras instead}.
5. Healthy Food.
Sure, you think you can live on pringles, ding dongs and sleepless nights, but it turns out your body needs more.
When people ask how they could help, tell them you’d love some cut up fruit and veggies. Your body is healing, it is likely you lost blood and you just need good nutrients. Get some decent food! While they’re at it, have your friends stay a bit. You are a human, who needs adult human interaction. Still make sure you value that.
I have a whole list of my favorite casseroles. A lot of those are great to freeze!
6. Sitz Bath
Somehow I feel like these are going out of fashion. My first doctor tried to steer clear of a sitz bath (which I hate him for, forever), but I had one with my 2nd. It’s basically a little basin that sits in your toilet and sprays your stitches with water (the temperature of your choice). Said water drains into the toilet and you’re done. SO. DARN. HEAVENLY. when the nether-regions ache. Do it.
This just in: I recently was sent a Tushy and did a Tushy Review. Cliffnotes: It’s amazing. Check it out! {save 10% with code CURLS too!}. It is WAY better than a Sitz bath and you don’t have to keep filling it up!
Don’t miss my podcast on postpartum surprises.
7. Loose pants.
Don’t feel any need to head back into your pre-pregnancy pants for a LONG. TIME. Not only is your stomach too big for them, but so is the “downtown” area. I remember zipping up, feeling so fine and then heading to a friends house to show off the baby and wanting to die. Sweat pants for at LEAST 3 weeks, that’s my personal rule. Enjoy it. You deserve it!

8. Hemorrhoid Pillow.
It’s a little blow-up ring that you sit on so your swollen areas don’t have to touch wherever you’re sitting. I brought one with me for almost 2 months after Conner. Decorate it, make it your own. 🙂
9. Get some good real estate. 🙂
This isn’t time for those tiny pads we had when we were 16. You need a decent sized pad so you’re not worried about leaking. Get the BIG. OVERNIGHT. pads. It won’t matter, because you’re already following advice #7. Remember. If bleeding goes back bright red, or you have clots larger than a golf ball — CALL your doctor (you might want to read my postpartum medical advice ). I have heard of a lot of luck with these underwear.
10. That baby.
I spent so much time worrying with my first, that I didn’t really find comfort in HIM. So sweet and snuggly. They’re your #1 comfort (but I saved best for last). Lots of cultures have interesting traditions surrounding the postpartum period, including no showers, no cold water and never leaving the bed. What kind of stuff do you do to make you feel comfortable?
Don’t forget to get TOTALLY prepared for your upcoming birth with the Online Prenatal Class for Couples.
What people like most about it is:
- Quick — not a minute wasted.
- It’s all about you — fits in your busy schedule!
- Engaging — between videos and key points you’ll know exactly what’s important with a dose of humor.
- Accurate — Over 16 years of experience makes this class a winner!
You can even save an extra 10% with code PC10 Check it out!

Lynness says
Take home everything you can from the hospital! If it’s in your room, you’ve already been charged for it. All those huge pads and wonderful icepack pads and the spray bottle (with 4 kids, I’ve never had a sitz bath offered- I only knew about them via nursing school- I think they must be going out of style too), the Dermoplast spray (which I got with the one who decided to come out both shoulders at once- luckily I’m “well estrogenized” = pretty stretchy, and only had minimal stitching)
Hilary says
i had a 4 plus on my first.
There’s a reason I’d prefer a coma… 🙂
Elise says
Physically, I wasn’t bad off after having my babies – no stitches or anything, so my advice to moms is always to just let. it. go. Let everything go.
Let someone else do the housework, and don’t worry about it not getting done just right. I know it’s easier said than done, but the difference in my post partum experiences has hinged on that.
Hilary says
I am SO bad at letting it go.
SO. Great advice though!
Jennie says
These are great tips and the picture of your son is awesome!!
I would love if you would come linkup and share on Friday Favorites!
Hilary says
Yes, I’m pretty sure that picture will make the “wedding video” {haha}. I’ll have to check your site out!
Made From Pinterest says
Great tips! Thanks for sharing!
Lynsie says
My best postpartum advice was to invest in Depends. Yes, I said it. Wonderful glorious disposable underware. They were amazing!!! I wore them lined with an Always pad at the hospital and the same way my first few days home. I bleed a lot so knowing that if I sprung a leak with my pad I was still ok was a huge relief. It saved my panties and they stretch like crazy so they were pretty comfy. I will forever recommend them!
Hilary says
I wholeheartedly agree. We give GIANT pads at our hospital, and I LOVE them! 🙂
Tina says
Thank you for this post. You hit everything spot on, and very rarely do I read something and think “Well there is nothing more I would add to that list, it’s just right”!
Having babies hurts, and it was tough for me (I never want to even pop a Tylenol when I have a migraine…) to admit that I actually needed pain medication and nipple cream and ice packs etcetera etcetera. Definitely necessary though.
Hilary says
Yeah, no reason to be tough. It’s HARD on your body, thanks for the comment! 🙂
Angie says
Every time I see this post on my newsfeed or Pinterest I think it’s about your first menses after baby 🙂 Which maybe does deserve a post all on its own, but then I read about nipple cream and remember it’s not about that. Love ya!
Hilary says
It actually WAS going to be on that, sponsored by a maxi pad company, but they actually declined it and I wrote another post for them. Their loss, this is in my top 10 all the time. 🙂
Jane says
Hey Hilary, so glad I Stumbled on this blog, I got just about everything on the list ! these were all extremely helpful, I came back to mention I also ended up getting a body pillow and it made the whole experience so much more relaxing. I’d recommend adding this to the list, I couldn’t of lived without it:)
Hilary says
I LOVED my body pillow before the baby was out. After I was always worried I’d bleed on it. 🙂 But I still love a body pillow and she’s 6. I think they’re just lovely. 🙂
Mo says
I’m due mid-December with my first, and totally terrified of postpartum recovery – but I’m hoping baby girl + holidays will take my mind off the more terrible bits. A few of these I’d heard before, but I love the elaboration! I definitely prefer knowing all the TMI parts than going in blind.
Great article!
Toki says
Oh goodness I love these 🙂 For me though I had a emergency c-section. My baby girl said, “heck no, I ain’t leavin’!”. I would not dilate and my water had already broke.
My postpartum was VERY uncomfortable. Thank god for Percocet, my partner and my mom! If you can, please bring in friends or family to take care of things… even the feeding in the night because sleep is a killer. I became very ill due to extreme lack of sleep and dehydration.
Otherwise, like others have said… let it gooooo 🙂
Hilary says
You’ve just gotta make it through sometimes. 🙂
Margaret Ann Frank says
Thanks for this post Hilary. My daughter is due in four weeks with her first baby, our first Grandchild. A boy! I remember how miserable the postpartum time was and I was very teary as well. A very painful overwhelming time. You gave such good advice. I am going to make up a postpartum kit for her with a big dose of TLC to be there for whatever she needs. People forget that the new Mom needs special TLC as well. She has done the hardest job of her life and baby gets all of the attention!
Hilary says
I hope your daughter finds it helpful as well!