Having a baby is a BIG step – -and making sure that you two are on good ground before you bring in a new little person is paramount to having a good experience.
My #1 tip for couples is to check out this. Hundreds of couples take that class each month and love being able to do it together on their couch. There’s even a guarantee you’ll love it!
Ok, let’s talk about the other things you can do to help:
Be open.
You need to be frank with each other about concerns and fears you have.
There is a big difference between expressing concerns, and wallowing in them.
New moms and dads tend to have a LOT of concerns. I would try to keep them in the realm of possibility — sleepless nights, how you’ll handle going back to work — those types of things.
Vs, your baby coming out and being a cat instead of a baby. And yes, I did have that dream.
By being open, you can both be aware of concerns the other has. You can help take the load when it’s something they have a concern with, and in turn, they can do that for you.
Think of you guys as an ox team (this isn’t too hard, you already probably feel a bit like a cow at this point) — you can’t move forward, unless you move forward together!
There is a LOT of unknown ahead of you — but there ARE ways to have a basic idea of what’s coming.
I see so many couples totally broadsided for labor and parenthood. Hospital classes just don’t fit into both schedules easily — which is why I 100% recommend this class — it’s created for couples and is really designed to get you BOTH ready in your own ways.
So many couples have taken it and said it’s a complete game changer. I think you’ll love it! You can even get 10% off with code PC10.
If you’re wondering WHY to take a prenatal class, I have you covered on that too!
Date before you have your baby
Friday’s we’re in love is one of my favorite dating sites! I love this post about her last date before baby.
NOW is the time to build that relationship. You have a tiny Godzilla coming to your home trying to wreck you through sleepless nights and sore boobs.
You need an Empire State Building of a marriage to withstand that!
Say You’re Sorry before you have your baby
There are a lot of things to get feelings hurt about when you’re pregnant.
Be sure to say you’re sorry if things get out of hand.
**Ladies: It is easy to think you’re the only one suffering, but husbands have their own sets of issues including finances, a complete lack of control, and more. So cut them some slack too!
Do it together!
It’s so fun to hear heartbeats and see ultrasounds together. While, it’s not always possible — be sure to include your partner in everything that you can.
Things including:
- Crib shopping
- Stroller shopping
- Doctors appointments when possible
- ESPECIALLY any specialist appointments you have
In those activities, you may bring up things you haven’t thought about before. Like, will the crib be in YOUR room, etc.
Grace is required during pregnancy. So much is changing, and you just don’t have control over a lot of it — like you have in much of your life so far.
Be thoughtful, give grace and love more. That’s my best advice. Well, that — and taking this class. 🙂
If you’ve already had a baby — what did YOU do to prepare for the new little one?
If you liked this post — you might want to try my free beginning class, and check out my other pregnancy posts under that!

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