Did you know that many people have tried the wacky idea of using soap to relieve Restless Leg Syndrome? This fidgety affliction can be treated with medication, but many find that natural remedies or other treatment options, like use of soap, are just as effective (with no side effects).
Have you seen those commercials about restless legs?
Maybe you even have it? It is obvious that the pharmaceutical industry has taken hold of this distressing syndrome and sees dollar signs and a marketing slogan. BUT, I have heard that the possible side effects could be FAR worse than restless legs. Soap for rls symptoms is an easy remedy that YOU can try today!
My mom was reading up on it on the internet and found that Ivory Soap could be the key to getting rid of hers.
What. the. heck?
What is Restless Leg (RLS)?
Honestly, the verdict is still out. And it seems to be different than nightly leg cramps or a charley horse. A lot of people suffer from it, but the cause seems to be complex — and hard to pin down.
There are no studies or scientific evidence that show that any of the remedies in this article work. There ARE medications that people use, but they have hard side effects like dry mouth, brain fog, fatigue or weight gain.
Rates of RLS are twice as high in women, and can be as high as 3 times as high in pregnant women (which makes having a natural home remedy like soap important, as those women don’t want to take medications if they don’t have to).
Using Soap for Restless Leg
Does it make ANY sense? no (seriously guys, ZERO studies or scientific research on this one besides a TON of people recommending it online — check out my comments!) — but she happened to have a new bar of soap in her pantry. She unwrapped it (it seems like the jury’s out on if you actually need to unwrap it) and popped it between her mattress pad and her fitted sheet and somehow like dumbo with his feather, she no longer has restless leg at night. Soap remedy for the win! Just to be clear, liquid soap won’t work for middle of the night RLS.
**Think this is insane (just like I did) — check the comments!
Bar of soap in bed for restless leg
If you are in the mood to read more:
- This one is selling their own soap, but ivory soap seemed to work for my mom!
- More positive reviews.
- This one rates a bar of soap as the top remedy.
So, I got 3 bars of Ivory Soap for my little photo shoot and I read all the ingredients — it really makes NO sense. My mom says she can’t smell the scent of ivory soap, she has it tucked in a corner under the bottom sheet so she doesn’t feel it.
She said the first couple of nights she’d be on the “verge”of getting it — but then would remember her soap and it would stop.
It seems like a homeopathic remedy that is a good standby treatment for nocturnal leg cramps.
What kind of soap for RLS?
It looks like there’s evidence that any type of soap will work although I don’t know about the fragrance of the soap… but my mom has only tried Ivory Soap.
I have heard some people tout lavender-scented soap because of its soothing qualities if you like the smell of lavender. But, Ivory worked for my mom. Feel free to try another brand of soap, like irish spring or even soap chips.
Hers came back harder when she had knee surgery…
Other natural remedies for Restless Leg
Once my mom started having the issue, I started studying it more.
Things I have found that have helped others:
Magnesium supplements can often keep chemistry on your side to help your muscles stay calm, some people use it in a lotion on their legs.
Good news! Some people have found that a weighted blanket can help. It just helps your legs relax by pressure. I have seen a lot of things about the counter stimulation helping your fidgety legs.
Light stretching can help — keeping in mind that rigorous exercise before bed is NOT recommended, and can make the uncontrollable urge to move your legs worse.
Loosen up — I have seen some people say that un-tucking your bed sheets can help your legs have some movement (if your toes are forced to point down it can be problematic)
Chill out — some people have said that by changing the temperature helps (some say heated, some say cooled like cold compresses) it can help. I have a BedJet which I love to help relax me before bed! Check it out here.
A little quinine anyone? My mom has found tonic water to be helpful. Again, no studies — people don’t recommend it — but I saw it recommended again and again online, so I bought her some. And she said it helped, a LOT!
My ❤️ hotels for your Disneyland trip:
– Best Western Park Place — it’s the CLOSEST hotel, has a breakfast and if it’s available for your dates, BOOK IT. If not, check out the Tropicana.
– Cambria – this is my favorite one with a great price point for larger groups – has a water park and free breakfast (not walkable though) – but if you want a walkable suite check out Castle Inn
Doctors say that decreasing your alcohol, coffee and tobacco consumption can help with it as well!
Some people report that massage can help — especially when they concentrate on your leg area. Less helpful when you’ve just had surgery though.
I have also heard good things about essential oils for RLS, something like this.
Finally, it’s certainly a good idea to talk with your doctor about it if you’re finding it problematic. They can always order some tests to make sure your chemistry is alright.
Restless Legs vs Leg Cramps
It’s sort of a fine line as they are different problems (both are described as painful)… if nighttime leg cramps or muscle cramps are your issue, I’ve heard good things about this stuff.
Want more great health tips – don’t miss my family health tips
It’s crazy, right? Anyone tried it? Do you think it’s Dumbo and his feather “made” him fly — or is it more? I figure spending a buck on a bar of soap (which you could even just use if this experiment went awry) might be worth a try!
Ivory Soap for Restless Legs relief is the first of my Weird things that work series. Be sure to check out my health and wellness board on Pinterest!
Lynness says
wacky! totally sounds like a placebo effect to me, but as long as it works! amazing that the mind can do things like that & that way there’s no side effects
Hilary says
Yeah, the mind is a powerful thing, as is Ivory soap. 🙂
Mariana says
I’m from Mexico and one of my relatives mentioned that (but with another soap brand made in Mexico), What I don’t understand is the science behind it! Do you know it?
Hilary says
I have ZERO idea. 🙂
Carr R says
The science seems clear enough. Most leg cramps are caused by a Magnesium deficiency. Most Magnesium supplements and vitamins with Magnesium contain Magnesium Oxide, of which almost none is absorbed. That leaves several plausible solutions. First, you could take Magnesium Citrate, which is what I do. Second, you can apply Magnesium Oil to your skin, and absorb the Magnesium that way. Third, you could soak in Epsom salts, and absorb the Magnesium that way.
One of the ingredients of Ivory soap is Epsom Salts, Magnesium Sulfate. If you put a bar of Ivory soap under your sheets, you will absorb a certain amount of magnesium from it, and it doesn’t take a lot to prevent the cramps. Whichever solution you choose, Magnesium deficiency is very common, and causes many problems other than leg cramps, so making sure you get enough is a good idea. Whether you choose to take it as a supplement, or absorb it through the skin is up to you.
Hilary Erickson says
It’s just surprising that it can go through the sheet, through jammies and into your skin! But I love it! 🙂
There is no science whatsoever. Placebo effect if anything.
Hilary says
Who knows — but if it works, it works!
sandy says
When I was pregnant I had restless leg syndrome , to the point where I felt like I was being electrocuted of my legs wildly down to go to bed . I have all the bloodwork the doctor suggested and had no abnormal vitamin deficiencies . Without my knowledge , my husband had found “soap cure” and talked to bars of unscented keep soap in the corners of the bottom of the bed , on either side underneath the sheet but above the mattress pad . I have no clue they were there , never felt them , and they have not scent to them . After several nights of sleeping well without any zapping in my legs , I carefully made a comment that I must just have been dehydrated . This is when my husband revealed he put bars of soap in the sheets , and showed me the website where he learned this theory . I myself and a woman of science and didn’t understand how or why this method would work . But placebo effect it is not , Since I was completely unaware of what he had done . The idea of placebo effect is that you are at least partially cognitively aware of some sort of change in the environment or procedure . I was intrigued, and very highly skeptical , so I removed the bars of soap from the bed . I remade the bed with fresh linens and after I had showered followed my normal routine to go to sleep . Almost immediately the effects of restless leg syndrome started . That familiar zap feeling. I tried self-guided meditation becoming my mind then got up and took a walk to increase circulation , but when I return to bed the feeling continued. I allowed the restless leg syndrome to continue for another two daysbefore asking my husband to Use me as a test subject in a home-based experiment.I wanted him to put various objects in the sheet,on different nights,and chart the results of how I said that I feel the next morning.He tried inserting decks of cards, batteries,dryer sheets,water balloons filled with water,And finallythe soap again. We continue to experimentand documentationover the nextnine days.I was unaware What item, if any, would be placed in the sheets that night.Surprisingly and oddly enough,when we reviewed the dataon each of the three nightsthat he had placed the soap firstin the sheetsthere were reports of no restless leg syndromefor the evening.I have continuedto use for the soapunderneath my feet when I feelthat old zinging feeling, and have found it to be truly effective.Despite the lack of crediblescientific explanationI truly believeit has some sort of effecton the electrical flowing dissipation of the bodyyou are to alleviatesuch symptoms. Good luck and happy experimenting. I would like to know if anyone else tested this theory , and what your outcomes may have been .
Hilary Erickson says
I love stories like this!
Hilda mena says
I read about this a long long time ago. I told my Mom about it and she tried it out, to help my stepfather with daily leg cramps and it worked since day one. Then my Mother didn’t have worry about putting it under the mattress cover because he started doing it himself he didn’t want to have another leg cramp again.
Adina says
Soap has a unique combination of polarity properties, which I imagine might help ground the electrical imbalance. You can read about it here : https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bring-science-homes-soap-microwave/
Hilary Erickson says
Hilda mena says
Hello! I just recommended this soap remedy to a coworker for her mother. I asked her not tell her mother whom by the way suffers from leg cramps every day. My coworker followed my instructions and her mother immediately noticed no leg cramps. Up until today she has no idea of the soap being under her mattress cover. She started on 08/12/17. I love the fact that it works and it’s literally inexpensive!!
Hilary Erickson says
SO inexpensive!
Cindy says
This DOES WORK!!! my husband suffers from leg cramps at night and I suffer from RLS. Believe it or not, when we put the soap in between the mattress pad and the fitted sheet, our leg issues almost disappeared! Once in a while, my RLS will really be acting up and I have a ‘mild’ issue with it during the night. But most nights, my husband and I are not bothered by our legs.
Hilary says
Yayay! I am so glad it DOES work for you!
sarai says
Do you keep it in the package?
Cindy says
I don’t keep mine in the package. I actually take it out of the wrapping and put it in an old oddball sock (like one that the dryer ate its mate) and put it under the fitted sheet near my feet. I have one on my side of the bed and my husband has one on his side of the bed.
Doris says
How often do you replace the bar of soap or do you ever?
Hilary Erickson says
I do’t know… I guess if it started to flake I would — just to keep my sheets/mattress cleaner.
Billi says
I thought that too at first. I get RLS during pregnancy and someone told me about the soap trick. It worked miracles the first 2 nights and then the 3rd night it didn’t. I figured the “placebo effect” wore off, but then as I was making my bed that morning, I noticed the bad of soap had slipped down over the edge of the bed. Put it back the next night and RLS had all but disappeared again! I’ve heard it has to do with magnesium in the soap… not sure, but regardless, it works for me 🙂 and this is my 6th pregnancy!
Hilary Erickson says
Yeah, I’d heard that too… but it still makes no sense….
Havok says
But if she remembered she had the soap and that the soap was “supposed” to work, that sort of screws up the experiment.
I have used both YouTube and Pinterest to put me to sleep. But if I count on them doing so (actively willing it to put me to sleep), it doesn’t work.
Though what in the world would soap have to help legs?!
Hilary says
It’s WAY weird, but there are SO many people who say it works — probably near the # that say the drugs work! Crazy, no?
Judy says
I swear by it
Hilary says
oh yay! I’m glad it helps!
Claudia says
Having seemingly inherited restless legs from my father I tried the soap “trick” many years ago. I didn’t know it needed to be Ivory, however. Just that thought makes me smile. I would hesitate to say that it worked for me. Obviously not enough for me to continue the practice faithfully.
I have discovered something that seems to work for me, but it took quite a long time for it to be effective. Recent trouble with leg spasms due to back surgery interrupted my usual routine, but I am now working on the old pattern to reestablish the calm. I am always open to suggestions that might help with those twitches.
Hilary says
I honestly have NO idea why the soap works other than Dumbo’s magic feather. 🙂
Scruffy says
I had RLS really bad and it drove me crazy until I saw the commercials, realized what is was. But now way I was taking drugs for it. My cure–my dog. When my legs would act up, she sensed it and would lay beside my legs and throw her head over top of them. The feeling went away completely. I think the movement annoyed her and she figured out a way to put a stop to it. My new dog does the same thing. I don’t know if it is their weight on me or the heat they generate but it works.
Hilary says
Huh, I do wonder what helps it – -but I’m glad you don’t have to do the drugs. I’ve heard those aren’t so fun either!
Charlene says
I never comment but I just had to comment on this. I have had RLS for years now (but it would occur about 2-3 times a month, so I was not a serious case). This last last summer it started to happen a few times a week. My husband found out about the soap trick and did not tell me about it. He put the soap under the bed mattress pad without me knowing. (not just under the sheets because he knew I would find it when washing the sheets). It worked!!!!! And I did not even know it was there!! I finally found out about the soap after about 3 months of having it under there. It worked for me the whole time, not even knowing why my RLS had stopped. No placebo here! My husband said it was hard to keep a straight face when I told him about it getting better. It still works even though I know about it now. Oh, and I use Dove soap.
Hilary says
Charlene, that is so crazy! I think we really need to get this “out there” — as the prescriptions aren’t a great option, and super expensive. Thanks for sharing your experience!
Patsy H. says
I read something about taking Iron for anemia. I started taking iron and my restless leg stopped. Whenever I would run out of the iron, my restless legs would start again. I would start my iron again and restless legs would go away. I was told once by my doctor that he thought I had chronic anemia so I thought that’s why it worked. My oncologist told me I could stop taking the iron because I wasn’t anemic anymore but I’m afraid to stop. The restless legs drive me crazy so I keep on taking the iron.
Hilary Erickson says
Crazy! My mom had also had a similar experience with iron.
Leisha says
I’m glad to see a comment from a believer! It totally works for me. too. I had forgot about it and recently started having cramps in my legs at night again, even though I was taking my magnesium. Something reminded me about putting the bar of soap in the bed. I got a new bar of Tone and put it between the fitted sheet and the mattress and haven’t had one since! I can’t explain it either. Our family doctor says he doesn’t see how it could work but his sister does it and swears by it too!
Hilary says
So crazy! Glad to hear it works for you!
Nikita says
This is the most ridiculous “treatment” for RLS I’ve ever come across. And FYI, there are several inexpensive and effective prescription treatments out there…Amitriptyline approx $80 for three months…Co-Ropinirole even cheaper. All Ivory soap is good for is inventing reasons to use it.
Hilary says
No one thinks it’s more crazy than me, but those other meds can have some crazy side effects. My mom has this pretty seriously but didn’t want to take the meds because of the side effects. Ivory soap is also fun in the microwave. 🙂 This wasn’t a sponsored post — just super intersting to me.
Robin says
I don’t know about you, Nikkita, but $80 is a lot of money for me, even for a three month supply. I’m willing to try this soap method and will be doing so tonight. I am in my mid 40’s and have had RSL since I was 7. I’ve been on so many different meds, and nothing worked without having bad side effects. So Ivory here I come!
Hilary says
Soap is cheap. Steal it next time you’re at a hotel. 🙂 I hope it works!
becky says
My dad used Irish Spring. He swore it worked for him. He had no reason to lie. I figure, what can it hurt? Really. Try it. If it doesn’t work, go spend $80. Your call.
Hilary says
It can’t hurt much, since you can still use the soap to clean your body. 🙂
Gloria says
%80 for three months’ supply is over $25/month, which is not really cheap in my book.
Hilary Erickson says
Julie@FrugallyBlonde says
I have suffered from restless leg for years. I tried so many different things with no luck. Then a few years ago my Dr. told me to take Magnesium. It works like a charm, if I have restless legs I just pop a 500 mg magnesium. I might have to try the Ivory if I run out of magnesium one night. 🙂
Hilary says
Honestly, I think whatever helps is great. I am glad the Magnesium works for you!
Tiffiny says
Magnesium was what fixed my RLS too. I have a chronic magnesium deficiency due to a kidney issue and never knew that RLS was one of the low magnesium symptoms. After being put on one of the prescription meds for it and developing stomach bleeding (which I found out was one of the fun side effects of that drug) I did a little research and found out RLS can be caused by low magnesium and/or to much caffeine in the diet. So I stopped drinking caffeine later in the day and started using a magnesium cream right before bed on my legs and no longer get restless legs. Interesting about the soap, never heard of that one. Anything is better then the meds that are on the market for it.
Angie says
Weird! I do get RLS, especially while prego. It happens at night, usually after I’ve been sitting for a while watching t.v. before bed. I’d be willing to try the soap if it worked. I was told to eat a banana, and make sure I was taking my vitamins. I’m thinking Julie’s magnesium thing is probably right on. Whatever causes it, it’s the weirdest “ailment” around. I was so surprised to find out several years ago that it’s a real thing, and not just me being crazy!! When I saw the commercial, I shouted at my husband “I HAVE THAT!” Hmm, pretty sure there’s a bar of soap around here somewhere…
Hilary says
Yeah, I have heard Magnesium is helpful. Let me know if it works. 🙂
Emma says
When I was pregnant with my little girl, I got charlie horses like no other!! I took my vitamins and dtank plenty of water. I didn’t know what to do to get rid of them. My boss told me about the soap thing. She said it had to be a plain, nothing fancy, bar. My fiancé had some Irish Spring in the cabinet under his bathroom sink so i snagged a bar. It totally worked!! We ended up naming our daughter Charlee. Now I wonder if that’s where I got it from subconsciously 😉
Hilary says
HAha, that’s too funny about your little girl’s name! It’s crazy how it works!
SoCalLynn says
So here I am looking thru Pinterest, my legs aching so badly I have to stand up. The thought of another night of restless legs, which I’ve had since I was a little girl, frustrates me greatly. I am going to try the Ivory soap tonight and see what happens. If it doesn’t work, can’t be worse than what I already go through every night. Thanks!
Hilary says
Oh goodness, I hope it does help!
Jess says
Yeah, this really is just the placebo effect. A good way to prevent restless legs is to get enough exercise and STRETCH before you go to bed! Although I wish I hadn’t heard that this is a placebo before I started getting twitchy legs because it’s absolutely infuriating. But yeah stretching and massaging the muscles actually does work!
Hilary says
I dunno — did you see the comment about the woman’s husband who put it in her bed without her knowing? It’s crazy! I’ll agree!
deanna says
magnets, magnesium, ginko biloba all work really well.
Hilary says
Yeah, I’ve hard Magnesium mentioned. I sort of wonder if Magnets do something similar to the soap. IT’s all so crazy!
Mamma says
Magnesium is really good, I take it every night and without it the cramps are terrible. I haven’t tried the soap yet but will be using it tonight to see if it helps supplement the magnesium.
For the person recommending amitryptilene……it’s an anti depressant that makes changes in the brain and causes all kinds of horrific side effects. Then when you want to come off it you are screwed!! Def NOT one to replace a simple bar of soap!
Hilary says
If soap works. USE IT! 🙂
Mar says
I took amitryptoline for RLS for years and had no side effects! Recently was prescribed a different med and only cost me $15 per month at Wal-Mart.It worked well. I too have had it since a child but was not diagnosed till in my 40’s. Will definitely try the soap.
Hilary says
I hope it works!
Dena says
My dad sleeps with a bar of soap every night. He says it helps ward off leg cramps. I believe he uses dial soap. :]
Hilary says
How funny! I seem to think Ivory isn’t the cure-all — but soap is!
Pam says
Saw this on Pinterest and had to comment! We have been using a bar of unwrapped Dial soap for years and it works!! My aunt told us it was a cure for leg cramps and even though skeptical we tried it. Whatever the reason, I’m certainly a believer!
Hilary says
Haha, so crazy! Thanks for your experience!
Dielle says
When my MIL was dying of cancer, she had RLS really bad. One night, when she wasn’t even coherent, her legs were jittering all over and we put a bar of ivory near her feet. She settled down just a couple minutes later.
Hilary says
That’s a great story! I still makes NO sense, but I’m glad it worked! 🙂
susan sobon says
i have had rls for years and in the last couple it has gotten almost intolerable at times. from what i have read it seems to be a deficiency in magnesium and possible others? i take magnesium, and vitamin e every night, along with a homeopathic medicine. i will be buying a bar and tryingt. it cant hurt
Hilary says
Susan, that’s what I figure. 🙂
Diana says
The soap didn’t do a thing for me. Waaa! However, Aspercreme with menthol is helping. I put it (generously) right where it seems to originate where the legs join the lower abdomen.
Hilary says
Diana, that STINKS. A lot of people on here have been talking about Magnesium? Have you tried that?
Diana says
LOL! I just started taking that also. I’m not sure if that’s what’s helping or the Aspercreme. I’d been taking carbidopa levodopa for nine yrs, but it suddenly began making me nauseous and light headed, so I’m desperate foe other solutions.
Hilary says
Haha, well I hope something of all those things works!
Jessica says
I’ll have to try the soap thing. I don’t know if it’s a placebo effect or not but do know, that when I have a lot of soda with caffeine at night, that seems to bring on my RLS. I’ll see if it works next time my legs act up!
Hilary says
It makes sense that caffeine woud make it worse!