Let’s talk about the best online childbirth classes and how you pick which one is best for you! Is there a best free online childbirth class? We love online birthing courses because it helps you get through the content on your own time!

What you want to look for in an online Childbirth Class:
- Available whenever (some classes online are still given live with no access to later-on).
- Concise (sometimes people add length or time just to make it sound more important, but no one wants their time wasted)
- Taught by someone with a lot of experience
- Ability to ask questions
- Able to be in a group to talk with other pregnant women
After having patient after patient say she wasn’t able to get a class due to time constraints, I finally made my own.

Hi, I’m Hilary and after 15 years of practice as a labor and delivery nurse as well as teaching my own prenatal classes and running this super-informative pregnancy blog, I decided it was time to create something to get ALL the information in ONE spot. Make it funny, make it engaging, make it fast — so that couples could get what they need and get on to the business of getting ready for baby.

By way of education, I have a Bachelor’s Degree of Nursing from BYU, Provo. I graduated in 1998.
And I am thrilled to say that the best online childbirth class reviews are amazing. It can be intimidating to shell out good money for this type of class but I think these reviews speak for themselves. I also have a whole post about the alternatives to regular hospital birth classes.
FAQ’s about Childbirth Classes:
Is this Prenatal Class Available When I need it?
You’ll want to make sure you are able to take it when you want. I find that most couples are taking mine in the evenings and weekends.
The Online Prenatal Class for Couplesis available whenever you are. Being that it is hosted on one of the top online learning platforms in the world. You’ll love it!
Will You Waste My Time in this Birth Class?
Ugh! NOTHING drives me more crazy than teachers wanting to “talk big” and waste your time with information you truly don’t need.
I’m 100% a “get down to business” kind of a gal, and you’ll find that I have SO much experience I’ll give you just what you need!
Are you experienced enough to teach this Online Preparation Class?
In a word, yes. But, just to back that up:
- I’ve worked in labor and delivery since 2001. Prior to that, I worked pediatrics, geriatrics, and hospice. I really have a heart for helping. I’ve been a nurse since 1997.
- I have done labor and delivery in three states, so I have a pretty clear idea of how different hospitals, doctors, systems work and can give you SURE ideas on what to expect.
- I am AWHONN fetal monitoring, ACLS, NRP certified, and I have been to COUNTLESS classes on pregnancy, not to mention reading up on important info at wor.
- I still work at the bedside as an RN. I work as a per diem L&D RN in Scottsdale, Arizona currently.
- I also offer a free class to make sure we’re a good fit. I KNOW how important that is.
Can parents ask questions in this Online Prenatal Class?
Depending on which “level” you purchase, yes. I do offer just a book that doesn’t allow for that (but is at a great price point for couples on a tight budget). However, the Online Course is the most popular, and you can ask me questions at the bottom of each lesson. I usually get back to you within 24 hours unless I’m out of the office.
Is there an Online Childbirth Class Group?
I do offer a Facebook group that I am in and around for those who buy the deluxe course. Questions are answered quicker, and there are other moms in that group to gain support from.
Reviews of the The Online Prenatal Class for Couples:
Erin H

“I was kind of in “la-la land” about what giving birth would be like and was just wanting to get a grasp on what was to come. Your class helped me feel very confident that I was going to be just fine.
We went into the delivery room feeling very relaxed and ready to welcome our baby girl
I have and will continue to recommend your class to my friends and family.”
This childbirth class is great for nervous moms!
Tara S

“My husband and I enjoyed going through the Couples Pregnancy Guide! We had also just done an online pregnancy class through our clinic so this was a great supplement to that. We really enjoyed the questions to go through together at the end of each section–as first-time parents, there were many things we did not think of that we needed to discuss before D-Day comes.”
This birthing class is great, even if you take an in-person class!
Heidi M
“My husband and I were able to go through this course before we had our second child as a refresher. It was a fabulous way to remember all we needed to know before going through the birth process again. It is very clear and concise. I especially liked the couple’s questions at the end of each chapter because they got us talking about things we hadn’t discussed before the birth of our first child. It’s a great resource and definitely worth your time!”
This preparation class is great for second-time moms
Katie C
“Hilary is the labor and delivery nurse everyone hopes they get. This course is an invaluable resource for anyone preparing to have a baby and need a little bit of hand holding. The course itself is very detailed and doesn’t leave any details out, and being able to be in the private Facebook group with access to Hilary’s knowledge and level-headed advice is worth the cost of the class alone! I personally have benefited from Hilary’s expertise in the baby world, and I often tell people that “everyone needs a Hilary when they are pregnant.” I took a hospital prenatal class when I was pregnant with my first, and I feel that this is a far better option – especially if you can’t carve out the time to go to an in-person class. Don’t think about it – just buy. I promise you won’t regret it.”
Hilary’s experience will make your pregnancy easier by taking this parenting class.
Alyssa G
“All I can say about this class is, “Amazing!” In its entirety, I found this so helpful. I am 34 weeks pregnant with my second child and have forgotten so much as my son is almost 4 years old. Hilary puts things into perspective & it’s so well respected as a friend but more so b/c of her profession as a L&D nurse. She is so full of knowledge & I was overly impressed with her ability to let me read something that is super scary & yet laugh simultaneously. My favorite parts about this class is how much more prepared I feel going into delivery. She covered every phase of this journey so thoroughly & clearly. I’m so happy to be apart of this class & will be looking to this as my #1 reference as it gets closer to my due date.”
Hilary makes what can be terrifying — humorous (and keeps you engaged!)
Other Birthing Class Reviews
(these are anonymous from surveys people filled out after the course):
I had a very unplanned delivery at 35 weeks and what I learned from your class help me through the process without fear. You also helped me to not feel bad when any kind of birth plan I had went right out the window. Thank you for what you do! Not just with your courses but as a nurse. Watching my nurses theses past couple of days has given me an even bigger respect for you all.
I participated in the Deluxe Online Prenatal Class, giving me access to the video series plus printable workbook with couples workbook and private FB group. I found all of this to be super informative and helpful for me. This is my first pregnancy, so I had a lot of questions about what to expect, and I feel like it has helped me be more prepared for labor and delivery. In fact, I just took a Prepared Childbirth Class through my hospital and most of what was discussed I was already familiar with thanks to the online class! I really liked the additional content through the FB group. The ability to interact and ask questions helped me feel a little more connected and provided some additional information not included in the class. I would highly recommend any version of this Online Prenatal Class!
The first time I gave birth I knew my baby wasn’t going to survive, and I didn’t want to sit in a class of other pregnant women who were planning to be able to take their babies home. When I had a pregnancy that I was told would result in bringing home a healthy baby, I was excited to have the class experience. Your class was very helpful and great for a busy couple who couldn’t make it to in-person classes!
Great delivery! I wanted a straight forward class that gave everything i needed to know (I knew NOTHING about birth, pregnancy, etc) and I feel more prepared now! But not anxious from “what if’s” – great content!
Other Reviews of Prenatal Classes:
Clark’s Condensed Online Prenatal Class for Couples Review — reminds you how easy it is!
Friday’s We’re in Love gives an Online Birthing Class Review — Camille is a reader & a researcher and ended up LOVING the class.
Blunders in BabyLand Online Prenatal Class Review is a no-holds-barred, she went-in not knowing if she’d love it (but she did).
MomSmart Not Hard: The Online Prenatal Class for Couples Review
Birthing Class FAQ’s
I recommend between 20-30 weeks, but you can start earlier, and you could extend up to 33 weeks. HOWEVER, with an online course, you can buy it after your first trimester and complete it when you can fit it in.
You can also review it as you near your due date
The one you feel best about. The one that happens to bring your perfect baby into this world safely. The Online Prenatal Class for Couples is for those choosing any type of hospital birth (I do not believe it is a good fit for those choosing entirely a home birth, but it could prepare them should they need to go to the hospital)
I would say there are two basic types. One concentrates mostly on pain and obataining a natural birth — while my course does have a section on natural pain management, it is not a concentration of the course.
Then, there are birth courses that prepare you for all types of labor and to speak with your hospital team in an educated manor. Mine is more this way.
Yes, I 100% believe so. I think you’ll have a much more comfortable pregnancy, delivery and postpartum period by knowing what to expect with a supportive educator.
I do also recommend couples take a hospital tour (should be free — just call) and a breastfeeding course. I have three online courses I recommend.
I don’t recommend them AS much, but if you’ve had very little experience with babies, I think they can be very helpful for parents.
I get it. I taught those. They just don’t work for couples. They didn’t work for me in 2001 when I had my first baby, and now that online learning is so prevalent, I think couples are ready to take it to the next step — online. 🙂
Plus, our fill-up so fast. It is like you need to register as soon as you find-out!
The beauty of online learning is that you can take the time you want. My course could take a few hours or WEEKS if you go through all the supplemental materials (and honestly, most don’t d othat).
Best Free Online Childbirth Class
If you’re not ready to take the full class, I also offer a free beginning class that you can sign up for right here:

Don’t miss my Online Prenatal Class for Couples, available to start today!
This post was originally written in 2016 and has been updated since then.

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