Each day of the week has a “room” that I tackle. That doesn’t really mean that I don’t clean in other rooms, but it helped me to think of it that way.
Our garage is a 3 car garage and I often throw things out there when I am done with them, so Saturdays is a good time to tidy those up. I also take this day to clean/ defrost the fridge and freezer that are out there. About once a year we clean it out. We are lucky enough to have cabinets out there (although, honestly, if we did it again I’m not sure I’d do that. I think I may have preferred the open shelving that costco has, but what’s done is done. This only cost about 800 dollars so if I felt like I want to rip it out, I guess we can. 🙂
Note, this post was originally written in December 2013. I had smaller children, less “job” and more time on my hands. I think this type of approach can be used by anyone — but I will admit they don’t all get done anymore. Make some goals of your own and see what you can make happen. 🙂
Anyway these are my Saturday jobs:
- Clean the garage (depending on what else is going on that day, my “clean the garage” looks like me setting the timer for anywhere between 5-20 minutes and just putting stuff away or cleaning up). The garage tends to be a place I just throw things, so it REALLY needs some weekly attention.
- Gunny Bag Vomit (the Gunny Bag eats the “leftover” toys each week — mostly for P — and it throws them up on Saturdays)
- 20 minute tidy (I lengthen the daily 10 minute tidy to 20 minutes on Saturday) — I actually have started using my high intensity trainer on my phone to ring every 5 minutes and I switch areas at that time — seriously. I am just this anal but timers REALLY work for me, and my house — at the end of these 20 (sometimes 30, if I have the time) minutes looks SPOTLESS. The end. I also tend to tackle things thare a little more time consuming to organize during these 20 minutes. Nothing big, but if the piano books have looked a wreck all week, I will stop to re-pile them during this.
- Balance the Checkbook (because cleaning is about all areas of your life, not just your home)
- Give out allowance (by incentives for your kids jobs, they might actually get done!)
- Outside work — this doesn’t always get done, weeding is actually on my phone for every other day and I mostly hope to get outside twice a week anymore (ticktick allows you to make “lists” within the “outside work” so when I think something needs doing — like right now I need to prune some of the things that died during the last freeze, I put that on the list under “weeding” and I know what needs to be done next time I’m out there).
- Laundry: Wash sheets. I did this weekly for a long time, but I noticed our sheets weren’t lasting as long/well as I’d hoped, so I changed to every other week. I’m not a fanatical clean sheet fan — don’t tell my mom. My kids HATE changing their sheets, so we voted and this is what we came up with.
- Kids: They get their room “mommy clean” (which includes their closet, under their desk and behind the door), they each have some areas for “touch-up” vacuuming, they weed specific spots, and clean out the car.
- Food Storage Check — I go through my pantry and count all the cans that are in there. I am hoping to do a write-up on how do I do this soon too — but here was a quick one I wrote a while ago. I do this about every 5 weeks or so.
- Long Term Food Storage Check (I only do this every 6 months, to take stock of the BIG items we have and what we need to look forward to buying at the church cannery)
- Wash Car — monthly
- Haircuts — slowly learning to cut hair better. I did a fairly decent job last time. If anyone has any great youtube videos to watch on this, let me know– Every 5 weeks.
Note from 2017 update: I still cling to the 20 minute tidy. It just helps me REALLY put stuff away that has been lingering. I am consistant on balancing the checkbook (and also doing our business finances on Saturday). I also REALLY want to get back to our garage. I also do a quick eye-perusal of the pantry. I don’t use our spreadsheet anymore (as we’re hoping to move sometime soon, so I just don’t want as much on hand).
Figure out what from this post inspires you — and make plans to do it — that’s my best advice.

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