Wondering what you need to get done before school starts? I’ve got the essential list for you. In just a few steps you’ll know that you’re prepared for that new school year and all it is going to bring!
Before we get going if you’re looking to make a good start on the new school year, don’t miss my course Family Routines. It’s meant to organize those PEOPLE so you do LESS. Sound good? Come join!
Ok, onto the list:
Back to School Dates
Do you have the list of dates that you’ll need for the school year — those include:
- Meet the Teacher Night
- Schedule Pick-up or Book Pick-up (or the day to pay fees boooo)
- Any meetings that usually happen before school
- First day of school (obviously)
New to the school and not sure what to watch for, find a mom in your neighborhood (bonus points if they go to your school) and ask them. You can also call the school and hopefully find a nice secretary who can help you out.
When we moved to a new school, when I went in they gave me a paper with dates….
A lot of districts have the calendar for the next few years already set — if you find them, just print them out now!

School Supplies
What types of school supplies will you need?
Personally, I’m a fan of waiting until I have a list. Would I much prefer to get them in the summer when the supplies are all fresh and new, yes — but often I need a RED folder, a TURQUOISE folder, and I knew I’d get them colors wrong — so I just wait to go til’ I get a list.
Some schools don’t have required supplies (bless you)…. so, you’ll need to find out if your school is going to give you a list, or if you’re just on your own.
Teenage Pro Tip: My kids all organized in their own way, so I tried to let them do their own thing and not conform to the binder system that worked for me in high school…. There’s LOTS of ways to organize your life, and using systems that work for YOU work the best.
Another pro tip is that things don’t need to be new. Get kids used to using the same binder until it’s worn-out (or goes missing). So many people want ALL new stuff at the beginning of the year, but teach your kids to replace as needed rather than just mindlessly buying the things every year.
That’s how a house ends-up with 20 pair of school scissors. 🙂 I speak from experience.
While you’re here — check out practical parenting — my free parenting series
School Clothes
Ok, clothes. Once again, you’re filling-in needs here. I always found the beginning of school to be a smart time to buy new undies and socks since we were at the store, but kids do NOT need a whole new wardrobe for school.
I have a post on how many clothes kids need you might find helpful, and another one on your back to school wardrobe.
I don’t want to discount the “cool” feeling you get when you’re in an outfit you’re feeling like the bee’s knees in. I try to get my kids one or two new outfits. We also talk a lot about first impressions and how we want to start with our best foot forward in the new year (aka, no nasty sayings on our T-shirts… for instance).

Lunch Plans
What’s your plans for lunch?
Will you buy buying school lunch? Make sure how to fund that if you need to.
Will you be taking lunch from home? Now’s a great time to get kids in the habit of making their own lunches and getting some ideas of things they like.
I am a HUGE Fan of kids taking as much of the effort in making their own lunches as possible. From about 2nd grade on I am hands off in the experience besides buying things.
I have thrown SO much lunch away, at this point I hope to get a fruit or veg (mostly fruit, if I’m honest), a protein, and a treat.
I have ultimately highlighted these things for myself:
- My kids are only going to eat what they want regardless of what I send
- I want my kids happy and enjoying lunch
- The responsibility of learning to make your own lunch is priceless.
This isn’t to say that I don’t sometimes step-in and make something special for my kid’s lunch. BUT that’s special, not the routine.
Sometimes I’d make kababs, or a special sandwich and they felt it extra because not only was it something extra fun, but it was also work they didn’t have to do. like a fairy Godmother. 🙂
BTW, I have a whole lunch section in here to help you help your kids take responsibility!
After School Expectations
Summer is a great time to talk about expectations for after school once school starts (obviously, just in the week before they come home). If backpacks are expected to go to rooms (that’s what it is in my house) then we talk about that — and explain why that’s going to work best.
Will you be picking up, will you be taking home?
We have actually done “dry runs” with new Kindergarteners, where we got up at school time, got dressed, made a lunch, and headed to school to play on the playground. It’s served us well and sometimes gets out those jitters new Kindergartners can have (as well as new Kindergarten moms).
Grab my editable after school checklist right here:
Transportation Plans
Are you hoping to carpool, will kid be walking, biking or will you be driving daily.
I am a HUGE fan of giving kids as much control over the “getting to school” experience as you can. For us, that’s meant a lot of biking to school, sometimes with friends, or a parent, and sometimes alone once they were proficient.
Set-up carpool plans, check what time school is starting, and solidify what time you should be getting out of the house to be on time.
Chill Time
I tend to keep our summers pretty structured. But, the last week before school I let me kids just do what they want. They get up a little later (may not always be the best choice), I am looser with screen time, and friend time.
Everyone just needs to chill out before school starts, so don’t forget to allow that.
I sometimes felt like the structure was so important, I forget that not having structure sometimes reminds us how great that structure is.

One on One Time
I tried to take my kids out on a one-on-one date before school started. We’d get a back to school outfit, talk about any worries over a Wetzel’s pretzel at the mall…. it was just a good time to gauge what I needed to watch for.
I am a huge fan of the times we spent together, even if shopping with a 7 year old boy does feel like pure torture…. it doesn’t last forever. 🙂 {but yes, it SEEMS like it will last forever}
I am in the sunsetting years of my time at school. My youngest is in high school, but watching my kids progress at school, helping teachers and other students at school has been one of my favorite things of being a mom.
If you’re a mom that’s new to the school system I can’t tell you what a fantastic journey you’re in for. Yes, there are a lot of limitations to school, but I encourage you to lift where you stand — to help out where you can, and help your kid see that school is important to you too.
Check out my post on the 5 things mom needs to do before Kindergarten.
School starting has always been my time to get new routines into place. Family Routines is the internet’s favorite ways to get your family to help out more (or even just get them going). Don’t miss your chance to sign up here:
What did I miss? Tell me any special back to school traditions you have!
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