Let’s just take a moment to flash back to Hilary in early May 2014. I tended to just buy whatever fit (often at Goodwill) and that didn’t have too much wear and incorporate it into my life, most often paired with a pair of jeans. Then, thanks to a little help by Lara from Overstuffed, she mentioned I should try Energy Profiling and Dressing Your Truth®.
And then it snowballed.
Suddenly it wasn’t just about what fit, it was about much more and I found that I really liked how the clothes felt and how I felt in them.
And it sounds ludicrous. Why would I want to throw away all my black just because they are not “me”.
Check out more of my Dressing Your Truth history in my 30 day Transformation!
**Dressing Your Truth is no longer for sale and I no longer work with the company or recommend any of their products.**
I did it because when I put them on now I just don’t like it. I like it when I have bright, animated clothes that say “Hilary is fun, light and random” (and my stripes say I like that random-ness organized to a point). I think I find it most when I put on grey. To me it just says ‘blech” on me. That isn’t to say that grey isn’t a beautiful color. It just doesn’t say “Hilary”.
Have you ever had a piece of clothing on that just drives you insane? You might not be able to put you finger on it, and other people might LOVE it (I have a fuzzy sweatshirt that does this to me, it’s so warm but I just want to SCREAM when I wear it — turns out it’s just too heavy for me. I don’t like heavy clothes. I like light, crisp, animated clothes. And following that really works so I’m not stuck with the fuzzy sweatshirt that seems like it will work.
So, what is “Shame-Based Beauty“?
Every day I see women who feel like they are not enough, and that extends to how they dress & how they look. I do think that the current fashion system says we SHOULD dress like this, or look like that or weigh this. It is no secret that I feel like I’m overweight and I am working on that.
For me, it’s that I was shaming parts of mySELF. I didn’t have time for fun because that was a frivolous way to spend time that I could do something of quality with.
But the reality is that I need to have fun. I need it every day. Now, I realize there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s nothing wrong about finding light and joy in every crevice of my life (no one enjoys a good tear-inducing laugh in the temple more than I do). That’s what I’m working on. It’s who I am, and I add a spark to the world by being me. The world is lucky to have me and my bright, animated nature. 🙂
Because the people at Dressing Your Truth are entirely awesome, they invited me to do a “Celebrity Makeover in their studios in Utah over Christmas break. I jumped at the chance. I love seeing other people’s makeovers and any time I get to spend with my BFF Carol is a gift indeed (I think she dies inside every time I mention she’s my best friend).You can see part two of the actual makeover Here!
This second post was me trying to thrift shop with the new “guidelines” that I had. It was learning to skip the black section….
Then, I skyped with Carol and things weren’t quite as they seemed for me…. find the big “aha” in my life in this post!
And then, finally, this shows the 30 days since I had started Dressing your truth and how I FELT using my “new look”. My Dressing Your Truth 30 day Transformation post:
Here’s my full makeover post:
And a final one about what I think about it all a month later:
I also did a fun little Periscope with Carol that I uploaded to my YouTube page (or Facebook). Check it out — watch Carol die when I call myself no longer a DYT virgin. 🙂 You can also see Carol’s Facebook Live event from it!

Check out all my other DYT posts or my Dressing Your Truth Pinterest Board!:
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