Guys, is it just me? I am nervous about spending a week or more home with my kids with very little social interaction for ANY of us. Anyway, I wanted to share 10 things I’m thinking in order to stay sane during this time. I already feel pretty anxious with the unknown — so, yeah. Let’s get started.
Positive Self Care During Corona Virus Social Distancing
I did a whole podcast on positive self care earlier this year, but a lot feels like it has changed. What to do now?
I actually did a whole podcast on how I am feeling, and what I’m doing to keep thriving during the Corona atmosphere:
Focus on the Positive
If you’ve followed me for a while, you know that I love to focus on the positive. It literally saved me during some of my hardest times and I felt like I had nothing go to point to.
There is ALWAYS something good to find.
A good friend of mine says to “Look for the good, you will find it.”
I’d also encourage you to post it on social media, and tag me, and use the hashtag #lookforthegoodinlife. I want to see the positive, because I know there is a lot out there!
Put down my phone
Says the girl you’re likely reading on your phone…. {I get the irony}
I think phones 100% have a use in this time, but I also think that we can overload. On news, on social media with stars obsessed with masks (when I see someone with a mask on in the hospital I automatically think they are sick and I want them to leave — STOP WEARING MASKS IF YOU’RE WELL). Btw, I’m a nurse. Did I mention that?
Anyway — some thoughts:
- Monitor your phone time — I’ve used an app called Stay Focused to keep me off certain apps for certain amounts of time, etc. Super handy
- Stop following people who are being paranoid or make you anxious. Now’s a great time to pare down your friend list (or mute them)
- Watch the links you’re going to. If they’re fringe “news” sites — leave. Just leave. I really do think people are trying to play with our minds, and it’s our job to be smarter than them.
Organize & Clean Your Home
NOW is the time to put spring cleaning on overdrive. You’re all home with nothing to do, and wouldn’t it be amazing to come out of this with a whole house that’s easier to manage.
I would be dumb not to mention I have a whole course aimed to simplify organizing.
You can also start out with my 5 Word Challenge that’s totally free!
One of my FAVORITE ways to organize (and how I do it with my kids) is to say “today we’re going to do your desk” and when it’s done, do something together as a family.
Not only will they feel great having an organized area, but they’ll also enjoy the positive interaction with you.
Not sure where to start? That’s pretty common — I even have a podcast on it (stay tuned for more on podcasts) — and I love what my friend Carly had to say in this episode:
Also, if this has been an eye-opener for you pantry, grab my pantry inventory spreadsheet to know what you’d like to fill yours with.
Get some learning in
While I’m talking about it — a lot of us take classes outside the home, but that won’t be happening as much right now.
There are TONS of online classes out there.
I also offer an Online Prenatal Class that people just rave about. Couples should not be heading into the hospital to take a traditional labor class right now (clearly, take the word from your provider, but I think this isn’t smart to gather so many pregnant women in one open spot), so this is a great option.
I even have a free mini class to get you started:
Get cooking!
You might have gone to the grocery store and bought a ton of stuff to stay at home, figure out how to get those into meals. Some posts to get you started:
- Making Bread at Home
- Casseroles for Busy Families (casseroles are AWESOME for getting kids to help in the kitchen)
- Cookies in your Stand Mixer
- Easy Winter Meals
- Favorite Cookie Recipes
- Best Chicken Recipes of All-Time
My friend Becca did a podcast on eating healthy as a family that’s pretty great too!
Positive Kid Time
You’re home with your kids, and while that can seem REALLY overwhelming (I see you moms) — this is also a great time to:
- Play Games
- Teach Them Skills (that they’ll use in real life, unlike calculus)
- Delve deeply into something they’re interested in (my kids love to sketch, and we love these Disney drawing videos)
I think having a family meeting about how this can be hard and brain storming some ways for everyone to get their own personal time, but also not just be in our phones 24 hours a day is important.
I talk a lot about prioritizing kids in my course Family Routines — and I think now is an awesome time to make some adjustments (like everyone pitching in more — I have a lot on that).
And, if the overwhelm of kids 24 hours a day has you a little “sunk” — I also have a Practical Parenting series (totally free) that will have you thinking a bit more about what you do:
Plus, sometimes having a friend in the game where I say “I’ve been there too” reminds you we all struggle. 🙂
OH, I forgot I did a great podcast on kid’s goals a couple of months ago that might inspire you to help kids decide what they can work on!
Fresh Air
Even when you’re cooped up inside there are ways to get some fresh air.
For us, we do have a backyard and I will be sending my kids out there frequently. We also have a basketball hoop and bike rides around the neighborhood can be a good way to get out.
**It is important to talk to kids about they WHY we are doing this. That way they understand why they just give a quick wave and hello to friends vs stopping to talk. But, bike riding is a great way to get out!
We’ll talk about keeping kids in communication later…
Podcasts are a GREAT way to connect with people. It reminds you that you’re all in the same boat, and might give you some ideas as to what to change.
Of course, I do have my own podcast, but here are a few of my other favorites:
- Real Connections: Cami is great at showing people how to triumph by staying close to each other!
- Office Ladies: If you were a fan of The Office (the show) you’ll love this one.
- Outnumbered — My friend Bonnie does this one, and she homeschools with NINE kids, needless to say she has some awesome tips (and some awesome fails that will remind you you’re not a lone.
- We LOVE the Myths and Legends Podcast — great one for the whole family, lots to learn and very well done (it’s on mythological creatures)
Check out all my podcasts:
Essential Oils
Nope, this isn’t that crazy oil lady telling you it’s going to cure it. Although I do think some essential oils can keep you from clogging the healthcare system.
I DO think that infusing them into your air can help.
With all of you there, likely with doors and windows closed since it’s cold outside.
I’m just saying some positive scents can help. 🙂 I love orange oil. It gives me happy feelings. 🙂
Don’t have a diffuser? You can also add some to water and use a spray bottle every few hours too. BTW, I really do think this will help your family stay healthy, but I only have my own evidence that it helps….
Marco Polo to Stay in Touch
I still NEED that interaction, and frankly –so do kids! So, be it Facebook messenger (you can video chat on there too) or, one of my favorite apps Marco Polo you can still stay in touch with friends.
My favorite part of Marco Polo is that you can interact just when you can. Super important for a mom who wants to show her kids there IS a time and place for phone time.
EXCLUSIVE CODE: Use coupon code PULLINGCURLS to get $20 off The Bosch Mixer (also in stainless steel), Classic Grain Mill & Harvest Grain Mill, at
My Favorites:
🤑 The Artiste is a gem of a mixer at a great price.
💚 The Baker’s pack is what I use at my house, the paddles and the scraper make this my favorite mixer!
(💲💲💲 Use code PULLINGCURLS on either of those too to save $20)
BRAND NEW: SAVE when you bundle (get just the accessories you need) right here (you can also bundle with the stainless steel mixer here).
You basically just leave video messages for each other. Then, you watch and reply.
this is a GREAT way to stay in touch with those over 60 who are SUPER reticent to leave home…. I love it!
Kids can also talk with friends on this app as well. I installed it on an old phone for my daughter and got her a google voice number so she could use it (you find people via their phone number, so creepers can’t find you).
Finish Projects
We’ve had a bin of art projects for my daughter to do, and she is finding NOW is the time to do them.
She’s finding new skills, new joy and I’m allowing her to just do her thing. It’s pretty neat. If you have a project, and you already have the supplies lying around — NOW is the time to get started!
While this is tricky, because we won’t be able to serve in ways we could previously… here are a few ideas I’ve thought of:
- Tell some of your older friends how to stay in touch with apps like Marco Polo (a great way to make sure they don’t need things like groceries too)
- Sharing positive things online (again, use the hashtag #lookforthegoodinlife so we can all feel those happy vibes)
- Sharing supplies with those in need, this is going to grow more and more helpful (especially those who shouldn’t be going to stores right now like our older friends, and immuno-compromised people).
With all of that being said, this may be a difficult time for familes. So much unplanned togetherness, mixed with the uncertainty of the situation (possibly with a lack of toilet paper as well — although I LOVE this, and it certainly limits our TP use).
Talk about it. Be open with the things that are hard, but train yourself and your kids to look for the positive, be innovative on the things they can do (vs focusing on what you can’t do). It seems like we will ALL be better in the long run with the measures we each take.
Love more, limit your intake of negative info (I’m looking at you stock market) and take some time to really turn to what matters. Tally ho! We’ve got this!
Julia says
Trying just to keep on walking thru the day and don’t camp 🏕. Tomorrow is a new day🌞
Hilary Erickson says
I love that — you do have to keep walking. 🙂