I just did my spring clean of my shirt drawer.
You might remember in this post I talked about how I file my t-shirts. I still live in the exact same dresser I have had since I was born. I am grateful for it, but the drawers are’t very deep or long… {sad face} but that’s OK because I don’t really love to have a LOT of clothes.
Here’s a picture of my dresser drawer today, and then I’ll tell you how it helped me purge.
You’ll see there are 3 collumns in my drawer. I use this to help me narrow down the clothes I actually want to wear, and the others I can send to a good home.
The first column (and I am doing this for summer)is my favorite short sleeve shirts. Those are all shirts I enjoy wearing, I think fit well — but probably don’t want to go clean the yard in. This is on the left.
The second one (in the middle) are short sleeve shirts that a) Only go with an outfit, I am unlike to wear them unless I am wearing that skirt b) Aren’t as nice, but good to clean the yard in or sweat a lot. Let’s face it, I live in AZ and we sweat a LOT.
The column on the right are my long sleeve t-shirts. This is where the main purge happened. I pulled out ALL the shirts to begin with. I pulled out my favorites and put those in, and I slowly narrowed down the ones I liked enough and filled the drawer. Once that side is full, I am done — the rest go to Goodwill. There really is no more shoving to get them in with T-shirt filing, because there simply is no more room.
This way, when I am sleepless and tired, and just “can’t figure out what to wear” I can open the drawer and just pull out what’s on the front left and I’m good to go. Because I love systems, I “load” my clean laudry into the back of this drawer and they slowly move forward so I can rotate through those shirts and not wear any one too frequently.
Can anyone say OCD?
** The beauty of my system, is last summer I had a few shirts that I wasn’t sure if I wanted to throw. I put them in a drawer in my closet which I went through today. 90% of those shirts are headed to Goodwill, and I kept one of them. It’s a good way to kind of mull over your feelings about that item before really letting go. BUT, because the drawer is fairly small, I can’t keep a ton in there… If stuff stops fitting, I need to throw. I watched a video yesterday where she called it her clothing “halfway house”. I thought that was cute.
Let space be your guide.
Oh, I should say in the winter, I put all my short sleeve shirts on the left, and I put 3/4 in the middle and long on the right. This way, I’m always allowing more shirts for the season we are in, and also allowing me to get a few new things that make me feel pretty. But, once winter is over — all those shirts need to fit on the right. I tend to pack the season we are not in pretty tightly as I am not using that side much.
I love “filing” things — I have done it with my extra fabric in boxes, and games. It’s just a great way to be able to see all the things you have and get quick access to them. If you want more info, click my link above and there is a video on how to do it.

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