Welcome to the MOST accurate “Am I Pregnant” quiz. Of course, you can take this one, and then go buy a home pregnancy test, because that’s the best. 🙂
As of course, nothing on here is medical advice, and we recommend you always check with your provider for answers to your specific healthcare questions. 🙂
Table of contents
First off, hello! I’m Hilary — many people know me as The Pregnancy Nurse 👩⚕️. I have been a nurse since 1997 and I have 20 years of OB nursing experience, I am also the curly head behind this website Pulling Curls and The Online Prenatal Class for Couples. 🩺 I get asked SO frequently if someone is pregnant as it is…
- Too early to take a test — you should at least be close to the day your period was due, or at least 3-4 weeks since your last period to take a urine test, otherwise it’s just too early!
- They are embarrassed to get them at the store (but I can promise you the cashier won’t remember you)
- They don’t have the cash for them — and if that’s the case, there are a lot of free pregnancy clinics like Planned Parenthood — you can google where to get a pregnancy test and it should show you local results!
I’d love to guide you all through your pregnancy — come join me here:
Am I Pregnant Quiz
Keep in mind this is based entirely of timing and symptoms. Things like breast tenderness (or changes), implantation bleeding, “feeling pregnant” — even bloody noses… but those can all be symptoms of other things too.
So, even if your chance is 100% — you may not be pregnant. A home pregnancy test is 100% the best plan at this point. I recommend the ones at the dollar store or these online pregnancy tests (they’re available online, you don’t TAKE them online). You can also often get a free pregnancy test at women’s health centers. DO NOT feel like you need to get the expensive, digital first response tests.
The only way to know for sure is to take a pregnancy test after you would have had your period.
Remember that home tests are just as accurate as the test in the doctors office (often the same thing). They provide a very accurate test results.
Online Pregnancy Quiz:
And now, I share with you my free online pregnancy test:
And might I also recommend taking a pregnancy test — a real one that actually measures the hormones in your blood/urine. It’s the only true standard, and you MUST confirm the results! This test would have a HIGH ratio of false positives or false negative “test results”.
If you ARE pregnant it is SUPER important that you receive appropriate prenatal care, so be sure to talk to your healthcare provider.
AND grab the best pregnancy planner — it’s the most fun when you start it early!
Common Early Pregnancy Symptoms:
Once baby implants in your womb there are a lot of changes in your body already. Some common early signs of pregnancy are….
Missed Period
As I said above — your last period should be more than 4 weeks ago in order to test your urine, or — frankly, to have pregnancy symptoms. Prior to that the fetus could still be implanting and so small it doesn’t make body changes.
Late periods can happen for a variety of reasons though — here are a few:
- Illness
- Stress
- Extra strenuous activity
Remember that just because you have a late period does NOT mean that you are pregnant (but it definitely could be and I’d 100% take a test). Pregnancy hormones shut off your period (but stress, illness or a number of things can also cause a delay in your period).
You have to have sex in order to get pregnant
This just makes sense. Bonus point if it’s unprotected sex.
Birth control is truly meant to protect pregnancy, if you don’t use it — it is more likely, but certainly not always going to happen.
EXCLUSIVE CODE: Use coupon code PULLINGCURLS to get $20 off The Bosch Mixer (also in stainless steel), Classic Grain Mill & Harvest Grain Mill, at Nutrimill.com
My Favorites:
🤑 The Artiste is a gem of a mixer at a great price.
💚 The Baker’s pack is what I use at my house, the paddles and the scraper make this my favorite mixer!
(💲💲💲 Use code PULLINGCURLS on either of those too to save $20)
Tender Breasts
Because of the increased blood flow to your breast tissue your breasts can hurt (sometimes quite a lot) — BUT, it can also be a sign that you’ll start your period soon.
Some women say that their areolas got darker early in pregnancy (but some say that doesn’t happen til’ later on).
Smelling things new/differently
Because of the hormones and increased blood flow, it changes how you smell things. Some smells might be extra annoying — all very normal.
Could also be because your boyfriend/husband DOES smell really bad. 🙂
Bloody noses
Because of all the extra blood flow — soft tissues like the membranes in your nose can bleed more easily. I actually have a post all about bloody noses in pregnancy.
Nausea/Vomiting or “Morning Sickness”
Most people know this, but it can also be from the Chinese food you ate last night. If it happens daily, it can certainly be something to consider!
Light spotting
When the fetus/placenta implants (called implantation bleeding) on your uterine wall it can cause some bleeding.
EXCLUSIVE CODE: Use coupon code PULLINGCURLS to get $20 off The Bosch Mixer (also in stainless steel), Classic Grain Mill & Harvest Grain Mill, at Nutrimill.com
My Favorites:
🤑 The Artiste is a gem of a mixer at a great price.
💚 The Baker’s pack is what I use at my house, the paddles and the scraper make this my favorite mixer!
(💲💲💲 Use code PULLINGCURLS on either of those too to save $20)
“Feeling Pregnant”
My mom always said she just “knew” she was pregnant… I never had that, but some women do! However, a test is the sure way!
** Keep in mind there are no real OBVIOUS signs of pregnancy — all of these are signs that could or could not be pregnant, and the symptoms of pregnancy vary a lot between people and their hormonal changes.
Things that aren’t particularly early signs of pregnancy:
- Mood Swings: These can happen for a variety of reasons.
- Cramping: It can also be a strong sign your period is starting, although some women do experience cramping quite a lot at implantation.
The most accurate pregnancy symptom:
Is a positive pregnancy test. It really is the only way.
When to take a Pregnancy Test:
You want to take it close to the time you would have missed your period. For most women that will be about 4 weeks from their last period (although all women vary in the length of their menstrual cycle). I also have a post about the best time of day to take a pregnancy test.
If you have irregular periods, wait to take it until 28 days after your last period (if not a bit longer).
Taking a urine pregnancy test too early can lead to a false negative test.
Many pregnant women find that they like to have their pregnancy hormone hcg levels tested by their provider to make sure they’re increasing. That is a blood test you’d do every few days.
Pro Tip: Hcg is created from the minute of implantation in your body and that is what pregnancy tests are checking for. The presence of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone (HCG) is a sign of pregnancy.
False Negative Pregnancy Test
A false negative result can be due to a lot of things:
- Taking it too early
- Taking it later in the day when HCG is less prevalent in your urine
- Test errors
Remember that false negatives are much more likely than a false positive with a pregnancy test.
False positives can happen due to hormonal issues, blighted ovum’s or sometimes ectopic pregnancy — and you’d want an appointment with your provider to discuss any of those as well.
Next Thing After Pregnancy Test
If you think you’re pregnant — what’s your next step?
- The first thing would be to confirm with an actual pregnancy test. Even a faint line is a positive result. It’s a good idea take a second test if you’re second-guessing the line — but maybe wait a couple of days.
- If you are pregnant I have a pregnancy calculator that will show your due date.
- Make sure you’re taking prenatal vitamins for the health of you and your baby
- If you’re on medications call your provider to see if specific medications need to be changed to be pregnancy-friendly.
- Make an appointment with a pregnancy provider (or with your general provider if you need a referral) during your first trimester of pregnancy
With all that I hope the results are what YOU are hoping for. Pregnancy can be a hard 2-edged sword. People want it desperately, or not at all. If you think you ARE pregnant, be sure to check out my Pregnancy Calendar.
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Koketso says
I was supposed to get period today but they haven’t arrived