I have so many friends that come into my home and mention that I must spend hours and hours on cleaning my home. I just nod and smile.
Because I don’t.
I simply don’t have the time to do that, although I don’t really mind cleaning. I have a weekly cleaning schedule that gives me tasks to do, it normally takes me about 1/2 an hour, except on Mondays when I clean my kitchen and sweep/mop the floors and that takes me about 1-1 1/2 hours.

Most days looks like this:
- Do my 10 minute tidy (really, the key to making your house look clean)
- Throw in a load of laundry
- Focus on my “area” of the day — you can read about those here:
[pt_view id=”41b314549f”]
After that, I get on with my life — kick my feet up on the couch and pop open a bin of bon bons.
I’m livin’ the good life.
Or, I set to work on the rest of the tasks of my day. Running a house has plenty of tasks that aren’t cleaning related. Plus there’s this blog and my PTO work. I somehow find something to fill the rest of the time.
The key, really is that weekly cleaning schedule. If I notice the floors are a little dirty, I can mentally ignore them because I know they’re going to get clean on Monday (plus, I do have my kids do some spot tile sweeping during the week). My mind finds all those areas that aren’t so clean — but my cleaning schedule allows me to ignore them, because I know it’s going to get done.
Do you think that a cleaning schedule would change your life? There’s lots of great ways to decide how to schedule the cleaning. My cleaning schedule focuses on a room or an area (like all the bathrooms) each week. Some people do a task, find what works for you. There’s plenty of great cleaning schedules on Pinterest.

Jessica [Havok] says
It’s easier to wash dishes for the dinner that night versus dishes for the day (or a few days, or a week…I mean, I wouldn’t know what that’s like xD ). It’s the same with every other task. It’s easier to do the little tasks more often – as most littler tasks being done help the larger ones be done even quicker. It’s easier to maintain than overhaul, I guess, and keeping up on doing things before they “need” be done is key! I’ve known this for a super long time, and have tried it many many times, but don’t keep up with it – and trying to get back on track is always more of a task than if I had just kept with it in the first place!
Marilyn Henderson says
As a professional cleaner (http://islington-cleaners.org.uk/) I agree that using a cleaning schedule is really helpful! I can’t imagine how hard it would be for me to do my job without a cleaning plan! These weekly cleaning schedules are awesome! Thank you for sharing!
Hilary says
Yeah, I’m SURE the professionals use one. Why shouldn’t moms (we’re basically professionals). 🙂
Suzanne says
Hi Hillary,
I would like to get your Cleaning Schedule but I’m a little confused about how to get it. If I “sign up” (in the field next to the thumbnail of the schedule), will I get just the schedule or be subscribed to your newsletter? I already am a subscriber.
Hilary says
Suzanne, it won’t re-subscribe you. It will send it to you, though. 🙂 That’s the way you can get it. 🙂
Leann says
Curious what app you have that all typed in to?
Hilary says
it’s called tick-tick. I love it!