Sometimes I look at my teenage son and wonder WHAT on earth we have in common. He would play video games all day if that was an option … and if that wasn’t, he’d pick to watch videos ABOUT video games all day (seriously, why is that a thing?).
And I’d do neither of those.

But I was in marching band in high school. And I know a LOT about band. I can talk about flanks and ten-hut’s all day long.
My middle child is also a quandary. He would play DS (are we noticing a trend here) or quote poetry based on Harry Potter all day if that was an option. I, however, did read the Harry Potter books (and I enjoyed them). I also like solving difficult problems and being overly dramatic. Those are areas that we have in common.
My daughter could color rainbows and talk My Little Pony all day til’ the ponies come home. I would rather have her embed the ponies in my skin than watch an episode of My Little Pony on TV. However, I do like talking school supplies, organizing and being a good friend.
But, it doesn’t stop at kids. What about that mom that you always see at school pickup? She seems too well-dressed and quiet. your attempts at hello have fallen on deaf ears will a quick glance at you. But, if you walk up and find where your circles cross paths you could find a good friend in her.
The problem, in life, is that everyone’s circles are not obvious. Yours aren’t, theirs aren’t. Sometimes you have to paw through a few of their circles until you find one that crosses.
I think the best moms (and frankly, the best friends and the people I like to be with most) are willing to invest to find where circles cross in order to build a path of communication and friendship. Finding where circles cross can be a lifesaver in awkward situations. Learn to get good at it and it will benefit you forever.
So, what’s a way that you use to find where your circles cross?

**{Smart} Moms is a relative term. I had to give it a name, but I am the first one to say I’m not smart all the time. There are certainly times that it’s REALLY hard to find where you cross with someone else, I just find it easier when I do. This series is just a list of things I’ve found to make life easier — not to say — WOOT WOOT, I’m SOooooOOOO smart! {said like Steve Martin}
Check out all my other {smart} moms posts:[pt_view id=”4256a9870e”]
Jessica [Havok] says
Watching people play video games has always sounded silly. But, when you can find someone who has a good personality on camera and is playing a game you enjoy, it’s like having a good friend hang out with you for a while. It’s sort of becoming a television replacement – sort of how playing with My Little Pony and then watching the TV show is a thing, just with video games. Then there are people who livestream, and the advantage there is you can chat with them and interact in real time, versus YouTube comments. Then there are people who do walkthroughs, so that you can either learn something new or find out how best to get through a level/area.
It does seem silly, all in all. But, really, it’s not as bonkers as it sounds 😀