I feel inspired to clean on Mondays. Perhaps it’s because I took Sunday off (see yesterday).That’s why I put the biggest pain in my neck on Mondays! — cleaning kitchen.
This post was originally published in December 2013
We had a really small kitchen in California, but when we moved here I got more real estate, which meant more room to clean (which was the same for all of the house).
Mondays has a few jobs that get done weekly (in addition to my regular daily jobs):
*My hope is that this weekly cleaning schedule might inspire you to make your own. I know my own OCD schedule won’t work for everyone, but I really think that cleaning schedules helps you stay on top of your life without being overwhelmed with all of you have to do. You can read more about weekly cleaning here.
You can also get a free printable house cleaning list (outlining what needs to be done in each room).
- Sweep and mop the tile (most of the time I use my Rubbermaid mop and my Hoover Linx vacuum) — I have a full post about my floor care (facinating stuff, people). 🙂
- Clean the stovetop
- Clean out the fridge
- Clean out the sink
- I also rotate around my kitchen attacking each cabinet and organizing (it takes me almost a year to get around my entire kitchen — I pull all the stuff out, I wipe it out and then I put it back in all organized, and sometimes I have to skip to another spot if it is getting too disorganized). You can read all about my organization plans in my course The Organized Home. Or try my free 5 word organization challenge:

**I am a firm believer that organizing an area is time better spent then just cleaning an area. If I can have a spot to put each item back in, the system will work and I won’t get as frustrated, leaving me more time to clean.
Those above items take about 40 minutes. Sometimes I get too into my organizing and it takes longer, but that’s likely because I an indulging my OCD and really trying to find the BEST organizing solution (which is probably only 2% better than the organizing solution that is obvious).
In addition to those weekly jobs, I have a few other rotating jobs which come-up in tick-tick to do every few weeks:
My ❤️ hotels for your Disneyland trip:
– Best Western Park Place — it’s the CLOSEST hotel, has a breakfast and if it’s available for your dates, BOOK IT. If not, check out the Tropicana.
– Cambria – this is my favorite one with a great price point for larger groups – has a water park and free breakfast (not walkable though) – but if you want a walkable suite check out Castle Inn
- Deep clean the sink (using comet — I throw my sponge away after this) every 4 weeks.
- Steam the counters (Conner wipes the counters every Monday with an antibacterial wipe, but steaming does such a great job of getting them SO clean, I indulge) every 4 weeks
- Deep clean the microwave (get a large micro-avable container (I use a pyrex measuring cup, put some baking soda in it, put some water in it — microwave until REALLY boiling, and then stop — wait for 5 minutes and then open and wipe out — the water and baking soda gets behind all the gunk and makes it really easy to clean!) every 4 weeks — or you can try this cute little product.
- We have a bucketload of tile in this house, so when the kids are on break I often have them clean the tile. They love it. 🙂 They are often my grout cleaners too.
- Conner (16): Take out the recycling
- Spencer (13): Windex some of the glass
- Paige (7): Clean the front of the oven, garbage and dishwasher (stainless steel — such a pain!)
- Wash whites (I am able to wash all our whites together)
After all that cleaning, I still have a few life tasks I do on Mondays:
1. Clean out my inbox (I have an inbox where all the papers in my life land and I go through them on Mondays to fix whatever that paper needs me to fix)
2. Menu Plan Monday (plan out the week’s — or two weeks) meal plan.
That’s about it.
Mondays are a heavy day. P is at preschool and I try REALLY hard not to fill my day with errands. I really like having the kitchen clean to start the week off. The reality is that it probably takes about an hour to get all the cleaning done (possibly a bit more, depending on how dirty the floor is). So, that’s my Monday — anything I am missing on Mondays?
*My hope is that this weekly cleaning schedule might inspire you to make your own. I know my own OCD schedule won’t work for everyone, but I really think that cleaning schedules helps you stay on top of your life without being overwhelmed with all of you have to do. You can read more about weekly cleaning here — or sign up below to get the free printable sent to you!
Check out all my other weekly cleaning posts:
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And check out ALL my cleaning posts here:
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