After delivery, you’ll want a few specific things in your hospital bag. Sometimes postpartum has different needs than you expect. This also shares what to pack if you have a planned c-section.

This post is part of my What to Pack in your Hospital Bag series. Be sure to check out all of the areas in that post.
- What to pack in your labor and delivery bag
- After the baby bag (that’s this post)
- What to pack in the diaper bag for the hospital
- What to pack in hospital bag for dad
After Baby Hospital Back Checklist
This list has ALL the stuff you’ll want in your bag after the baby:
One you transition to postpartum there are a few extra supplies for you.
We provide a lot of things after you have your baby, including:
- Pads (although we only provide a few of these, a lot of ladies wish they had more — more on that below)
- Tucks
- Peri spray Bottle
- Basic food
Anything beyond the basics, you’ll need to provide yourself:
(I recommend a separate bag to have for after the baby)
Things we don’t provide, that she said we would (or we provide, but it’s horrible):
Nightgowns — we provide gowns, but I wouldn’t call them nightgowns. Also, the nursing gowns have giant slits in the front that are GREAT for nursing, not so great for greeting people. Keep the barn doors shut, ladies. Or, check out these cute gowns on Amazon if you’d prefer! (you’re less likely to get it dirty after the baby)
A lot of women prefer wearing their own pants/shirts after a baby.
BUT, plenty of ladies wear our gowns. It is likely that you’ll bleed through your pads and have some laundry to do if you bring your own clothes.
I recommend 100% bringing what’s important to you.
Shampoo — we actually don’t even have shampoo, if you ask we’ll hand you baby wash. You’d probably get the soap in your eyes and sue us. {sarcasm font}
Soap, toothpaste, lotion are all hospital grade. If you like smelling nice and soft, don’t use ours.
Bra — your boobs are going to want to be supported. If you’re nursing, get a nursing bra, if you’re not — get something TIGHT to reign those babies in (ask your doctor, but many recommend an ace wrap)!
I’ll be honest it’s been a bit since I used a nursing bra. Everyone seems to have their own favorite but these nursing bras from Amazon get great reviews!
Nursing pads I actually don’t recommend putting these in your hospital bag. Most often, you’re not leaking at the hospital. We do supply them, but most often you don’t need them when you’re with us (for me, I love the washable kind, and I always keep some disposable ones in my diaper bag as well).
Makeup — feel free to bring whatever makes you comfortable, but I wouldn’t bring a lot if you don’t normally wear a lot.
Home Pillows — some people feel more comfortable with pillows from home. I don’t recommend home pillows in the delivery room because it’s so dirty, but on the postpartum unit you might enjoy some home like a blanket or a pillow. We DO, however, provide you with pillows.
A going home outfit that fit when you were 6 months pregnant. Don’t get your hopes up for what you’re wearing out of there. Sorry ladies.
Other things you might consider
- Snacks (I’m always SUPER hungry after having a baby, and the hospital food may or may not be good)
- Tablet/laptop to be be more interactive with well-wishers on social media
*We do provide pads (lovely, giant pads — speaking of which I have heard GREAT things about these, but if you’d prefer disposable I’d get these for the first few days home), underwear and the hospital gown as long as you are comfortable in that. I think it saves you from more laundry when you get home. We also have all the towels, pillows, etc. If you want more, just ask.
**I just saw that Dollar Maxi Pad Club has an awesome postpartum pack that puts it all in one place (plus my favorite bum spray).
I generally recommend people NOT bring their breastfeeding pillow, because it is SO easy to get dirty/gross at the hospital. If you’d like lactation to help you with it though, by all means, bring it.
We provide drugs and ointments (and by “provide” I mean we bill you for it).
As I said — You should consider having a smaller “labor” bag (as we don’t offer a whole lot of patient space in labor) and then another one with your going home clothes, etc. I think they should all fit in a carry-on suitcase though.
What to pack in hospital bag for a c-section

C-sections have a similar needs as a vaginal delivery.
Both bleed and you’ll still need pads.
I have a whole post on what you’ll need in a c-section bag (includes 4 more things to bring)
Ok, now that we’re done — be SURE to grab your list for all the stuff in your hospital bag — and be sure to check out all the OTHER things I recommend you put in your hospital bag for labor, baby & dad (and check out my other delivery tip posts below that)
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